Confidence-building can help NEETS into work

The latest government statistics released in August show that the number of NEETS (young people aged 16-24 who are not in education, employment or training) in the UK stands at over 1 million.

More than half of all NEETS say that they are looking for work and are therefore classified as unemployed.

A survey conducted earlier this year by *Comres revealed that nine out of 10 NEETS want to be in education, employment or training. Almost half of those surveyed said that the main barrier to employment is a lack of experience.

However, a quarter admitted that they lack confidence. The psychological impact of being a NEET can be quite devastating for young people in their formative years.

Worryingly 40 per cent feel that they are not part of society, 33 per cent have suffered from depression and 37 per cent said they rarely left the house.

Helping to build confidence and self-esteem are crucial steps in helping young people regain a zest for life, hope for the future and motivation to move forward.

Last month a European Commissioner with responsibility for youth urged immediate action:

"Unless something is done quickly, the plight of those falling into NEET status during the current crisis risks becoming self-perpetuating long after the economy has recovered", Androulla Vassiliou said.

People With Voices offers courses especially developed for young people and job seekers that will not only help build confidence and esteem, but through the development of practical skills will also build aptitude.

Our workshops focus on core skills in communication, presentation and promotion, essential both in professional and personal contexts.

They can be delivered as single workshops lasting for three hours or combined into a two-day course with half a day for the participants to practice job interviews and presentations.

For further information contact us today.

*ComRes interviewed 1,004 UK 16-24 year olds online who are not in education, employment or training between 24 June and 4 July 2013. Data were weighted to be representative of all those aged 16-24 not in education, employment or training in the UK.