May 21, 2010 /
Yasmin Barracks
Lupus charities are demanding that the newly formed Liberal Conservative government provide more funding and support for people suffering from the chronic illness. According to the two major lupus charities in the UK; Lupus UK and St Thomas Lupus Trust, lupus patients are not receiving adequate support to live with the illness. Patients suffering with…
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May 1, 2010 /
Yasmin Barracks
Conservative plans to tighten immigration laws if they win the General Election could lead to the collapse of the NHS, critics have suggested. During the first televised debate for the three main UK political parties, David Cameron outlined Tory plans to restrict the number of migrant workers coming to the UK. But the Conservative’s immigration…
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April 22, 2010 /
Bernadette Hawkes
Journalists working in the ethnic media must help raise awareness of HIV among black communities the National AIDS Trust (NAT) said at a recent press briefing. The rate of HIV among African and Caribbean communities in the UK is higher than among general population at 3.7 per cent, compared with 0.09 per cent. There are…
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