Africa’s Third Liberation is underway

Africans, the general masses, the youth, intelligentsia, opposition politicians, religious leaders, students, and trade unionists have finally woken up from the yoke of oppression, the previously untouchable regimes that have ruled them since those days of political independence from Europe. Without any hesitation, this is Africa’s Third Liberation being spoken in the revolutionary languages that…

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Film Review: Out of the Ashes

The Cricket World Cup is well underway in South Asia with the top countries racking up runs and wickets for fun. Away from the excitement, spare a thought for a smaller nation that didn’t quite make it to the party. Recently released on DVD, Out of the Ashes charts the rise of the Afghan Cricket…

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Music Review: Ishumar 2- New Touareg Guitars

Three years after the compilation Ishumar was released, the Touareg rockers are back on Ishumar 2. While the first part presented up-and-coming or internationally acclaimed artists, this release focuses on a segment of Touareg music still unknown to this day. The ishumars have been in the spotlight for the past thirty years. They appeared amid…

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