A personal perspective and response to the UK riots

On Sunday  21 August a meeting was held at the Rock Church, Birmingham, in response to the recent disturbances to examine its racial dimension. When asked to speak my gut reaction was to decline as serious informed discussion is impossible in the environment that follows such events. However, when informed that the highly-regarded Professor Gus…

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Captain America’s black history

Captain America’s movie origins involve being the subject of experiments by a kindly German doctor who escaped Nazi barbarism. It is a well-known fact that the Nazis performed atrocious experiments on human beings (injecting people’s eyes to turn them blue or freezing them to death to see how long it took). But it is less…

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Book Review: The White Woman on the Green Bicycle

In most of the Caribbean novels I have read, the narrator is a son of the soil. In The White Woman on the Green Bicycle the main characters are George and Sabine Harwood.  The couple arrive from England in 1956, prior to the People’s National Movement’s ascendance to power. Sabine expects they will depart in…

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Book Review: Grow it by Chicoro

Sometimes the best advice comes not from experts and professionals but from someone who has trodden a path and gained experience, wisdom and understanding along the way that has tremendous merit and value. In academia we call this ‘experiential learning’ and often award university credits in recognition. Chicoro’s Grow It serves as a perfect example…

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