Where is the alternative to AV?

A year ago the country was gripped by election fever. Live debates between the three main parties were hitting television screens for the first time, giving voters a better chance to decide their favourite. The subsequent hung parliament result led to much posturing, with the Liberal Democrats being wooed by both Labour and the Conservatives….

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Job insecurity and prejudice forcing Africans to leave Northern Ireland

Recent reports in the media have indicated that there are a growing number of African people returning to their motherland from Europe because of high levels of job insecurity. Common convention especially within some right-wing migration discourses; often describe the African bit of the South-North travel as an economic experience inspired by a one-way ticket…

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Book Review: Nigger for Life by Neal Hall, M.D

Nigger for Life is an insightful anthology of poems that both document and articulate Hall’s experience as a black man in the U.S and in an uncompromising and unapologetic style of delivery, asserts that you cannot escape the confines of race, hence the title of the book. When I first glanced at the book’s cover…

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Sequels, prequels and spin-offs in Hollywood

The curtain has fallen on Hollywood’s annual love-fest – the Oscars and we can all brace ourselves for a new year of films. Or that’s what we thought. 2011 mainstream cinema is going to see a record number of sequels, prequels and spin-offs of already existing film franchises. Some of the highly anticipated titles this…

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