What next for Mali?

It has been three weeks since the beginning of French intervention in Mali. The largest northern towns have now been seized by the French Malian coalition. Today, a few questions emerge as to what happens next.  In January 2012, the National Movement of Liberation of Azawad (MNLA), an independence Touareg movement, launched an attack against…

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A personal perspective and response to the UK riots

On Sunday  21 August a meeting was held at the Rock Church, Birmingham, in response to the recent disturbances to examine its racial dimension. When asked to speak my gut reaction was to decline as serious informed discussion is impossible in the environment that follows such events. However, when informed that the highly-regarded Professor Gus…

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Glossing over Africa’s image

There is a growing tide of activities taking place in Northern Ireland which aim to project a new image of Africa. It is hoped that the European Commission funded project: Images and Messages of Africa from an African Perspective will change biased perceptions in Northern Ireland. African Diaspora organisations in Northern Ireland, the Republic of…

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